defining moments – 2

Steve asked me recently what five defining moments in my life have made me who I am today…

  1. Swim meet
  2. On my trip to Mozambique, Africa, in 2002, we spent a few days at Camp 2000–so called for the mass flooding that occured in 2000, forcing hundreds of Mozambiquans to relocate to higher ground.  We slept in tents, only a short walk from the open-air squat latrine.  It was to visit said latrine that I woke up in the middle of one night.  As I stepped out of my tent, I halted.  I stood in awe of the deepest blue sky to envelop the earth.  The stars hung so low to the ground, they nearly touched my face.  And at that moment, I would not have been surprised if a twinkle did reach down to brush my cheek.  Magic was achievable.  The term “Milky Way” made sense in describing our celestial surroundings.  I connected to whatever higher power or life force there may be to connect with.  I felt as though I stood alone to be wrapped in a warm blanket of night, as if God’s arm stretched across the horizon to reassure me of my safety, of his awareness of me…and in turn, my awareness of him.
    This is the moment that will not allow me to deny God’s existence.

What moments define you?

6 replies to “defining moments – 2

  1. i’ve been thinking about doing something like this on shannon and i’s blog. but i kind of felt like i maybe needed to get the ok from you first. these are cool little moments.

  2. amazing. i really relate to those quiet moments where it’s just you, God and nature. trying to describe it in a blog is pretty tough, but you did it so wonderfully! you are an amazing writer, Lauren.

  3. this is yet more proof that you and i need to have a sit down to discuss our perspective africa experiences.

    and i’m really contemplating the idea of doing this myself. i think i was a bit like cuyler, in that approval from you would be a good idea. (c:

  4. by the way, i do appreciate that you both asked permission to borrow “my” idea. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that you would :)

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